Monday, May 6, 2013

Video (10 must haves for your Summer wardrobe)

Welcome back everyone! Not only do you all get to check out my podcast, but I have now uploaded a video!

This video, posted above displays ten great outfits for summer. As the video goes through, there is a description of each outfit. These are just outfit ideas, feel free to definitely add your own tweaks to every outfit. Also, I did not accessorize a lot through this video because it focuses more on the outfits than the accessories, but you will catch some accessories in this video.

The video is done by me with the help of my friend Spenser Deeken, and the music used is titled, "I Love It," by Icona Pop.

I hope you all enjoy my video, and feel free to leave comments on my page about it:-) XOXO Shop Spot by Hayley

Podcast (How to save your clothes from the evil washer)" />

Welcome back my future fashionistas! I know it has been a couple weeks since I have made a blog post, but I'M BACK! Above you will find a link to a podcast I submitted to I encourage you all to listen to the podcast if you would like to know how to keep your clothes looking nice while washing them.

Below is the script to my podcast, if you all would like to follow along. ENJOY! XOXO Shop Spot by Hayley

Script for Podcast

Hello everyone, today I am going to be discussing how to keep your clothes looking nice after you wash them. We have all had those moments where we take a clothing item out of the washer and it has shrunk, been bleached, or the decoration has fallen off. This is frustrating and after this happens you have to fix it, or never wear it again because most stores will not return it. Also, the wash tags on the inside of clothing do not tell you all the details you must know, but I have the solutions to all your problems.

First, let’s say you want to wash jeans and keep them from fading, but also keep the rhinestones on the pockets. Always make sure when washing jeans that you turn them inside-out especially the jeans that have décor on the pockets. Turning them inside-out will keep the outside of the jeans looking nice, and also keep the beads on the pockets. However, if you are still leery about washing those new jeans with all the bling, take a pillowcase and put them inside the pillow case. Last, but not least make sure to wash jeans on cold/cool and do not dry them all the way just until the pockets are still wet, and dry them on a delicate or casual setting. This way the jeans will not shrink and will not be stiff.

The next item we all put in the washer is that favorite shirt we wore last week and need to go out in that night. This shirt is the cutest because it has sequins all over it. There are two ways that I would suggest for washing shirts like this. The first way is to turn it inside-out, put it in a pillowcase, wash it in cold water, and hang dry. The biggest rule with shirts that have a lot of décor (sequins, rhinestones, etc.) NEVER DRY THEM! The next way you can wash a shirt like this is to use detergent and cold water and hand wash it in your sink, be gentle and make sure your hands are clean before starting, and hang dry when finished. This way you will lose no glitz on your favorite shirt.

With summer right around the corner I had to let everyone know how to also keep their swimsuits from fading and make them last for many summers. You go swimming in a chlorine pool come home throw your swimsuit on the floor and do this repeatedly, this is what causes it to fade so quickly. So the next time you go swimming, wash your swimsuit out with cold water as soon as you change and hang it up. Every so often it is ok to wash your swimsuit on cool and dry it on the delicate cycle, but I would suggest only doing this like once a month or every other week if necessary. Last tip with swimsuits is, if you have white lining, never wear these types of swimsuits creek swimming, this will cause the lining to turn brown and it is hard to get it back to white.

Even though I have given you all great tips to wash your clothes, I would still encourage you all to read the tags and pay attention to the washing instructions on these as well. Use your smarts and my tips and your clothes will stay looking great for many wears.




Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Best Shopping App... EVER!!!

Welcome back followers! This may be my last blog post for awhile so I wanted to really go out with a... BANG!!!

When I am on break from my blog, I want everyone to have the luxury of taking my tips and applying them to the real world. So after all the outfits, tips, and information I have shared I hope you all use them in the real world. One way in which you can apply the information I have given you is by visiting a website called Wanelo.

What is Wanelo you ask? Well it is a shopping app, similar to Pinterest, where you can share the stuff you like, but unlike Pinterest you are able to actually buy it directly off the site.

Here is the link to begin your awesome shopping experience. It's this easy click on the link, sign up (it's free), and start shopping. What more do I have to say to convince you?!

Wanelo is full of awesome clothing, accessories, shoes, bedroom decor, electronics, etc. Find something you like? Hit the BUY IT button! Can't afford the item right now? Hit the SAVE IT button which allows you to save it on your page and pull the item up for future use.

I leave you with this. If you do nothing else, at least visit this site and check out all the awesome items it has to offer and share my blog with others. I wish you all the best on all your shopping endeavors, and don't fear I will be back!!! XOXO Shop Spot by Hayley

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What's the best way to finish an outfit????

Welcome back viewers! I am super pumped to share this blog with you all because it is about one of my favorite topics. What is the one rule of fashion no woman should ever forget??? ACCESSORIZE, ACCESSORIZE, ACCESSORIZE!!!

Today I will be sharing with you the top five accessories every woman should own.

The first and most popular accessories to the fashion world are chunky necklaces. These go great with shirts that have a low neckline, or a very simple tee. However, make sure not to over do it, if you wear a chunky necklace, the rest of your jewelry should be more simple so the necklace really stands out. Here are some of my very own necklaces.

Next accessory on the list... LILY AND LAURA BRACELETS!!! What are Lily and Laura bracelets you ask? Well they are a specific brand of glass beaded bracelets, and you can normally find them in almost every color imaginable. I normally choose to wear a bunch at a time, or pair them up with other bracelets. Below are some of the ones I have in my accessory collection.
The third item on my list of accessories are fashion scarves. Many people are aware of these and fashion scarves have been around now for a couple years. Not only can you wear these scarves in the winter time, but they are also great for spring because they are very lightweight. Here is a picture of some different colors and patterns I own.

The next two accessories I will be discussing are my personal favorites! The first one is studded earrings. I prefer bigger studs, while others may prefer smaller earrings. I wear my studs with everything, my work outfit, and when I go out. Studded earrings can add a sparkle to any outfit.
The last accessories I am going to share with you are something that was popular in the 90s, but is now making a comeback... EARCUFFS! What are they you ask? Well the next time you want an ear piercing, go out and buy an ear cuff; they are simple and painless. You just take the cuff open it up and clamp it on the outside of your ear. The picture below will show how ear cuffs are used. The silver piece on the outside of the ear is the cuff.
Well there you all go! Five ways to accessorize and complete your outfits. Until next time XOXO Shop Spot by Hayley

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Retail Therapy

Welcome back viewers! I know it has been a couple weeks because I took a week off to spend time with family friends like we all have, but I'm back and today's topic... RETAIL THERAPY!!! What better way to deal with a bad day than by ending it with a shopping spree? But the major question is does retail therapy truly work?

According to an article done by The British Psychological Society, titled "Does retail therapy work?," it states, "It might not be possible to buy happiness, but you can buy relief from low mood." A study done by Selin Atalay and Margaret Meloy proved retail therapy does work, and they did this through three different experiments.

Now instead of telling everyone the details of the study I will let you all check it out for yourselves. The link listed below is a one page simple reading of a study that proves retail therapy truly works.

I believe retail therapy does very well work for the simple fact when I am in a bad mood and have went to the mall, buying something always seems to make me feel better.

For example, Monday I was having a terrible day. I went to the mall with a list of items I needed to purchase and came out $150 later with way more than I had intended.

Next time you're having a bad day I would suggest going to the mall, it may hurt the pocketbook, but it seems to give people who do this a shopping high and enhance their mood.

Until next time XOXO Shop Spot by Hayley.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Easter Outfits!

Welcome back blog audience:-) Today, I have Spring fever and I am also over the fact that it still remains cold outside. Therefore, I decided today's blog is going to be about Spring, but not just about Spring, but a particular holiday that is right around the corner... EASTER! I know around Easter time everyone scrambles to find that perfect outfit for their family gatherings, well today I am going to give you three idea's and hopefully the weather permits.

The outfit above is a great Spring outfit, but I think it is ever so cute for Easter! This outfit includes white skinny jeans, which can be rolled up into a capri. The top is a orange vest with a pink and orange t-back tank underneath. These colors are great for Spring, which makes them appropriate for an Easter picnic. The shoes are just a cute decorative sandal, which will look great with the rolled up skinny jeans.
The next outfit choice is a very simple casual outfit, so great if you have to play with little kids during the Easter egg hunt. This outfit consists of a casual pair of skinny jeans, which can also be rolled into a capri if one chooses, and cute little oxford shoes provide a casual, yet dressy look to the outfit. The last pieces are a simple pastel pink scoop neck tee, and a grey sparkly vest. This outfit is great for all those outdoors activities on Easter.

The last outfit, and probably my personal favorite. This outfit includes a glitzy pair of denim capris, with a simple black wedge. This outfit is for those Easter gatherings, that include a more laid back approach. Definitely would not want to be running in four inch wedges. The last pieces are a pastel green tank with a chiffon top that includes floral decor. This is the ultimate Easter outfit.

Glad you all got to come back and check out my posts again. I hope you all find this blog helpful for your Easter gatherings, and oh yea before I forget... HAPPY EASTER!!! XOXO Shop Spot by Hayley

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Five Shopping Blogs Everyone Should View (After mine of course)

Welcome back:-) Today my blog post will be fairly short because I am going to give you five other fashion blogs you should view, after mine of course. I will post a link to each one and hopefully this will give you all a wider range of fashion, because this blog is all about my viewers.

This blog is Style Mode Magazine, and is a high fashion magazine for men and women based out of NYC.

This blog called Fashion Indie is not only about fashion, but art and culture as well.

The next blog is titled The Chriselle Factor. Chriselle Lim the maker of this blog is a blog enthusiast and a well-known stylist.

The next blog is Olivia Palermo, titled after the woman who created the blog who lives on the Upper-east side of NYC and offers her fashion advice via her blog.

This last blog is titled The Platform, and is actually created by a man, WHAT?! Crazy I know, but this might be an interesting one to check out.

All the blogs and information on these blogs I have found comes from the website listed below.

I hope this gives you all some more tips on fashion and helps pull some more people in to check out my own personal blog. XOXO Shop Spot by Hayley