Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Retail Therapy

Welcome back viewers! I know it has been a couple weeks because I took a week off to spend time with family friends like we all have, but I'm back and today's topic... RETAIL THERAPY!!! What better way to deal with a bad day than by ending it with a shopping spree? But the major question is does retail therapy truly work?

According to an article done by The British Psychological Society, titled "Does retail therapy work?," it states, "It might not be possible to buy happiness, but you can buy relief from low mood." A study done by Selin Atalay and Margaret Meloy proved retail therapy does work, and they did this through three different experiments.

Now instead of telling everyone the details of the study I will let you all check it out for yourselves. The link listed below is a one page simple reading of a study that proves retail therapy truly works.


I believe retail therapy does very well work for the simple fact when I am in a bad mood and have went to the mall, buying something always seems to make me feel better.

For example, Monday I was having a terrible day. I went to the mall with a list of items I needed to purchase and came out $150 later with way more than I had intended.

Next time you're having a bad day I would suggest going to the mall, it may hurt the pocketbook, but it seems to give people who do this a shopping high and enhance their mood.

Until next time XOXO Shop Spot by Hayley.

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